The National Pension Insurance Office (CNAP - Caisse nationale d'assurance pension) is the contact body for all insured persons under the general pension scheme (private-sector employees and self-employed persons) and the fund's remit includes granting pensions.
Under the general pension scheme, insured persons who have reached the maximum working age or who have paid contributions long enough to claim their pension rights may apply for retirement.
The benefits granted are calculated on the basis of the years of employment completed and the contributions paid, which together make up the insurance record (see Insurance record in Luxembourg and Insurance record abroad).
Pension insurance provides for various old-age pensions subject to specific eligibility criteria. Depending on their insurance record, insured persons can opt for
- an old-age pension or
- an early old-age pension.
An invalidity pension is a replacement benefit that may be granted, subject to specific eligibility criteria, to an insured person whose state of health prevents them from working normally and providing for their needs.
In the event of the death of an insured person or a recipient of an old-age or invalidity pension, a survival pension may be paid by the CNAP as part of the survivors' benefits.
The award of a pension is not automatic. Each insured person must submit their own pension application, as pension insurance benefits are only paid out upon presentation of an application.
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