Administrative procedures

Presentation of the application

Pensions are granted only on formal application by interested persons. The application form must be returned by post.

It is advisable to submit the early old-age pension application to the CNAP several months before the date of entitlement.

If an applicant has been enrolled in several pension schemes in the course of their working life, the application should be sent to the pension office with which they were last insured. See National coordination

Cross-border workers should apply to the competent institution in their place of residence. See Insurance record abroad

The processing time for pension applications depends on the reliability and availability of the basic data and may therefore vary from one application to another. If you work in more than one country, the processing time also depends on how quickly the foreign pension institutions provide CNAP with the required data.

Award or rejection of the pension

All pension applications are followed by a presidential decision to award or reject, which may be appealed. See General points - Appeal procedures

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