National coordination

The introduction of special pension schemes for public sector employees who entered service after 31 December 1998 has made it necessary to redefine the coordination rules in cases where a person has been subject to both public and private sector legislation.

There are three categories of pension schemes:

The general scheme applicable to the private sector

This is the general pension insurance scheme for old-age, invalidity and survival covered by Book III of the Social Security Code.

Organisations concerned:

  • National Pension Insurance Office
  • Banque centrale du Luxembourg (Central Bank of Luxembourg)

Special transitional arrangements applicable to public sector employees who entered service before 1 January 1999

These are the pension schemes governed by the amended law of 26 May 1954 regulating the pensions of civil servants, by the amended law of 16 August 1912 concerning the creation of a provident fund for civil servants and employees of municipalities and public establishments placed under the supervision of municipalities or by the Grand-Ducal decree amended by the law of 27 August 1957 approving the pension regulations for employees of the “Société nationale des chemins de fer luxembourgeois” (Luxembourg National Railway Company).

Organisations concerned:

  • Centre de gestion du personnel et de l'organisation de l’État (State Centre for Human Resources and Organisation Management)
  • Caisse de prévoyance des fonctionnaires et employés communaux (Pension fund for civil servants and municipal employees)
  • Société nationale des chemins de fer luxembourgeois (Luxembourg National Railway Company)
  • Banque centrale du Luxembourg (Central Bank of Luxembourg)
  • Public institutions

Special schemes applicable to public sector employees entering service after 31 December 1998

These are the pension schemes governed by the law of 3 August 1998 establishing special pension schemes for State and municipal civil servants and for employees of the “Société nationale des chemins de fer luxembourgeois”.

Organisations concerned:

  • Centre de gestion du personnel et de l'organisation de l’État (State Centre for Human Resources and Organisation Management)
  • Caisse de prévoyance des fonctionnaires et employés communaux (Pension fund for civil servants and municipal employees)
  • Société nationale des chemins de fer luxembourgeois (Luxembourg national railway company)
  • Banque centrale du Luxembourg (Central Bank of Luxembourg)

Depending on the possible combinations between the various pension schemes, it is necessary to provide for coordination mechanisms between, on the one hand, the general scheme and the transitional special schemes and, on the other hand, between the general scheme and the special schemes.


Determining the competent institution

in the event of coordination of the general scheme and special transitional schemes:

  • the body of the special transitional scheme to which the insured person was subject, to the exclusion of any body of the general scheme
  • if subject to two special transitional schemes at the same time: the organisation of the main activity
  • if successively subject to several special transitional schemes: the body to which the person concerned was last subject

in the event of coordination of the general scheme and special schemes:

  • the scheme to which the insured person was last subject
  • if subject to two schemes at the same time: the body responsible for the main activity

The main activity is the one with the highest income, if not the oldest.

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