Reimbursement of contributions

Reimbursement at age 65

If, after reaching the age of 65, the insured person does not meet the qualification period for granting an old-age pension, the contributions actually paid into their account, excluding the portion payable by the public authorities, will be reimbursed on request, taking into account the adjustment to the cost-of-living index.

Repayment forfeits all entitlement to benefits. If, as a result of several activities or benefits subject to insurance, the total contribution base of an insured person exceeds the maximum contribution limit, the difference is not taken into account for the calculation of the pension, but the insured person is entitled to reimbursement of the portion of contributions he is liable for, on application per calendar year, and at the latest when the pension is awarded.

Application form for reimbursement at age 65

Reimbursement to a holder of an old-age pension

Where the holder of an old-age pension is employed, they are entitled, on request, to reimbursement of the contributions paid after the completion of the 65th year.

The reimbursement of contributions is made up exclusively of the portion payable by the insured person and is not adjusted to the cost-of-living index.

Reimbursement can be requested for each calendar year.

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