Voluntary insurance
There are two forms of voluntary old-age and invalidity insurance, namely
- continued insurance
- optional insurance
Continued insurance
Persons who can prove that they have had compulsory insurance for twelve months during the three-year period preceding their disenrollment may apply to continue their insurance. The request to continue insurance must be submitted to the Joint Social Security Centre within six months of the loss of enrolment.
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The 3-year reference period is extended insofar as it overlaps with assimilated periods as well as prior continued or additional insurance periods or periods when the insured person received the benefit of a supplement to the guaranteed minimum income.
The request to continue the insurance must be submitted, under penalty of foreclosure, to the Joint Social Security Centre, under the scheme with which the insured person was last enrolled, within 6 months of the loss of enrolment. This 6-month period is suspended from the date of the application for an invalidity pension until the date on which the decision becomes final.
In addition, insured persons who meet the same conditions as those described above may make voluntary contributions to supplement those paid under the compulsory insurance scheme (supplementary insurance).
Optional insurance
Persons who do not meet the conditions for admission to continued insurance may, with the approval of the Social Security Medical Control Board, take out optional insurance periods from the first day of the month following the month in which the application is submitted, during periods when they are not working or are working less than full time for family reasons.
Applicants must be resident in Luxembourg, have had compulsory insurance for at least 12 months and, at the time of application, not have reached the age of 65 or be entitled to a personal pension.
Administrative provisions
Insured persons who give up or reduce their professional activity may continue or supplement their insurance by submitting a written request to the Joint Social Security Centre.
Persons who meet the conditions for optional insurance periods may be insured during periods of marriage, raising a minor child or providing assistance and care to a person recognised as dependent by submitting a written application to the Joint Social Security Centre.
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